Fleur Delacour

Fleur’s Biography

Early Life

Fleur Isabelle Delacour was born in France to a wizard father and a Veela mother, making her part-Veela. She had a younger sister, Gabrielle. Fleur grew up in a loving family and developed a strong connection to the magical world from an early age.

Beauxbatons Academy

At the age of eleven, Fleur began attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, a prestigious school for young witches and wizards in France. During her time there, she excelled academically and gained a reputation for her beauty, grace, and intelligence.

Triwizard Tournament

In her sixth year, Fleur was selected as the Beauxbatons Champion to compete in the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite facing various challenges and dangerous tasks, she ultimately placed third in the competition.

Career and Marriage

After completing her education, Fleur began working for Gringotts Wizarding Bank in England. She met and fell in love with Bill Weasley, a fellow employee. The couple eventually married and had three children together.

Personality and Traits

Fleur was a proud, strong-willed, and determined individual who could also be kind and compassionate. While she initially appeared aloof and vain, her true character shone through as she faced adversity and formed deep connections with others.

Magical Abilities and Skills


Fleur’s wand was made of rosewood with a core of Veela hair from her grandmother. This unique combination made her wand especially powerful and well-suited to her magical talents.

Part-Veela Heritage

Inheriting the unique Veela trait, Fleur possessed the ability to captivate men with her striking beauty. Although not as potent as a full Veela, Fleur could still enchant those around her, making herself irresistibly appealing when she desired. When experiencing extreme happiness or excitement, Fleur’s Veela allure intensified the attractiveness of everyone within her proximity. As a result, one could barely notice the scars on her husband’s face after his encounter with Fenrir Greyback.

Nonverbal and Wandless Magic

Fleur demonstrated exceptional skill in nonverbal and wandless magic, enabling her to cast spells silently and without a wand in certain situations.

Proficiency in Charms

Fleur demonstrated remarkable aptitude in charm-work throughout her magical education and career. During the Triwizard Tournament’s first task, she adeptly used a sleep-inducing charm and the Aguamenti Charm. In the second task, Fleur successfully employed the Bubble-Head Charm. As an adult, she was able to conjure a non-corporeal Patronus, indicating her exceptional skill in charms and magical abilities.

Dueling Abilities

Fleur’s skills extended to dueling, as evidenced by her participation in the Battle of the Seven Potters and the Battle of Hogwarts. Her capability to enter and emerge from both conflicts unscathed underlines her remarkable combat skills.

Talent in Household Magic

During Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s stay at her and Bill’s house, Fleur displayed a proficiency for household spells. She managed daily chores and prepared meals with magic, much like her mother-in-law.



Fleur’s wand was an essential tool in her magical pursuits. Crafted from rosewood and containing a core of Veela hair, it was uniquely powerful and suited to her particular skills.



Fleur shared a close bond with her family, including her parents and younger sister, Gabrielle. Her relationship with her sister was particularly strong, as evidenced by Fleur’s determination to save Gabrielle during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Bill Weasley

Fleur and Bill Weasley first met while working at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Their relationship deepened over time, and they eventually married, becoming a loving and supportive couple. Together, they had three children, continuing the Weasley family legacy.

Harry Potter and Friends

Fleur initially struggled to form connections with Harry Potter and his friends. However, as they faced challenges together during the Triwizard Tournament and the fight against Voldemort, she grew to appreciate and respect them. In time, they became close allies and friends.

Fleur Delacour in the Books

Fleur Delacour first appears in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where she competes in the Triwizard Tournament as the Beauxbatons Champion. Throughout the series, she plays a significant role in various events, including the Battle of Hogwarts.

As Fleur’s character evolves throughout the series, readers witness her growth from a seemingly vain and self-centered young woman to a courageous, compassionate, and loyal individual. Her story showcases the power of love, friendship, and perseverance in the face of adversity.


Fleur Delacour is a dynamic and intriguing character in the Harry Potter series, demonstrating resilience, courage, and a deep capacity for love. Her unique heritage, magical abilities, and relationships with other characters make her an essential part of the story and a fascinating figure to explore.

Fleur Pinterest Inspo


What is Fleur Delacour’s heritage?

Fleur is part-Veela, as her mother was a Veela and her father a wizard.

Where did Fleur Delacour attend school?

Fleur attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France.

Who did Fleur Delacour marry?

Fleur married Bill Weasley, the eldest son of the Weasley family.

What was Fleur Delacour’s role in the Triwizard Tournament?

Fleur represented Beauxbatons Academy as their Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, ultimately placing third.

What magical abilities did Fleur possess due to her part-Veela heritage?

As a part-Veela, Fleur had an innate allure and charm, making her skilled in magic related to love, attraction, and influence.

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